Hysterical Stutters - Multimedia Performance Artwork
There’s a panning shot of the landscape and for a brief moment we see beyond the look between them. She moves closer in an attempt to occupy our vista. To close their look behind her. Her eyes clap shut and the screen blackens. She moves closer to us spitting a staccato beat as she mutters. She blurs the focus as she sweeps her hand over the screen leaving a milky depression at its centre. The beige smudge pixelates and swarms muddying the middle of her image. She moves to the screen’s border, she thumbs its rectangular edges – telling us the limit of its visible envelope. She is writing us a letter.
A multimedia performance artwork of live spoken word, a remix of glitch audio, found digital and analogue moving images. An exploration of the subversion of the objectification of women through the fragmentation of image and text as a mediatised experience.
Sound and moving images composited by Richard Brunner of Idion Films http://www.idionfilms.com
Mirror Mirror: Perception, Deceptions, Reflections in Time Conference, Birkbeck, the London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Interdisciplinary Work Foundation, (10 March 2018).

Hysterical Stutters