Performing ritual excesses and speaking in tongues, these babbling bodies beat to samba and low-fi Baile Funk, calling-in Brazilian dance celebrating activated menopausal bodies, calling-in bodies to dance together.
A collaboration between Serena Bubowski, Kay-Elizabeth and Catherine Maffioletti, comprising a live performance + djaying + screening of the video artwork performed at:
‘This is What the Menopause Looks Like’ Exhibition by Catrin Osborne and Tindra Sidoti-McNary, London: Ridley Road Social Club. 8 February 2022.
‘Ain’t I a Womxn: Feminism for Everybody’, A cabaret to honour bell hooks on International Women’s Day led by Lana Locke & Subjectivities & Feminisms Research Group, a screening of the Video Artwork BODIED, BODIED, BODIED on the Parade Ground, London: Chelsea College of Art. 8 March 2022.
‘Decompression 2022’, a co-created day/night festival, a live Performance + Djaying + screening of the Video Artwork, London: Burning Man. 12 November 2022.